
Who: Everybody, apart from Mister Grumpy
Where: Refectory meeting
When: After breakfast

“Order please, ladies and gentlemen!” Seymour trilled “Order! Order!”
The general hubbub in the room slowly subsided leaving the Ambassador nodding in satisfaction as he shuffled the sheaf of papers in his hands, and surveyed the members of the crew that had bothered putting in an appearance
“Now, the first item on the meeting agenda” he said with great gravity “Is the matter of our Simulant domestic having been sadly abandoned back on planet Fernando’s; now I hope you don’t mind but I've taken the liberty of drawing up rotas for everyone for cooking, cleaning and laundry duties”
He paused to proffer the papers to Jade
“Take one and pass the rest on would you my dear...?”
“Now, as you‘ll see” he continued brightly “As an invalid, I’m unfortunately unable to assist you in any of these tasks; but rest assured, I earnestly wish I was able to do my share”
“Mister Febuggure” Seymour fixed Phil with a stern stare “You’re the first on the laundry rota, so I should warn you that my silk undergarments will of course need hand washing”
“Smeg off!” Phil snapped amidst much ill-tempered grumbling as the rota’s made their way around the group “There’s no way I’m washing your smalls”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to wash yours” Jackie grimaced, shaking his head and trying to dislodge the flashback he’d just had to that nasty case of priapism Phil and everyone else had endured
“Who say I even wear any” Phil leered
“That’s irrelevant” Seymour said imperiously “We all have to do our share”
“Apart from you obviously!” Jamie grumbled
“As I believe I said” Seymour huffed “I really do wish that I were able to do as much as everyone else, but... Ah! Ms. Jones, good of you to join us!” he beamed as Cass walked briskly into the room “You’re on cooking duty tonight! What culinary delights do you have in mind for us?”
Cass scowled at him and walked into the centre of the room where she folded her arms and turned to address everyone
“Okay” she called “I’ll keep this brief. White Wolf has suggested a good place to start looking for the facilities we need to engineer Jay a cure; but for this we need a Drive Room, and for that we need resources so that we can begin building a new one”
“To that end” she continued “We’ll shortly be arriving at a gas giant with a ring system around it where we can do a bit of mining... I know... I know” she held her hands up amidst the shouts of dismay and confusion “We haven’t done anything like this in years, but I’ve had a look at the manuals and it doesn’t look that difficult!”
“We’re going to need two groups: One to fly point to locate decent sized asteroids and ferry them in, and another to run the ore extraction processes; I’ll handle the manufacturies after that, since I bought them back online, and so I know their quirks better than anyone else”
She paused to allow what she had said to sink in
“Can I suggest that an engineer heads up each team? Beyond that, please be careful – It’s bloody dangerous work and we don’t need anyone getting killed!”

Work’s boring, but what else happens while the filth and noise of the mining’s going on around you?
We’ve got any number of interpersonal things going on, there’s those dangerous Chod beasts lurking down in the lower levels, and who’s out flying point? (Do we have any pilots left?) - Get in touch and let me know what you’re planning on doing, there might be other stuff going on... ;)

<ooc >
Oh, and while I'm on: Congrats to all concerned for some great posts recently - it's been great seeing how everyone's going about slowly settling back into being on board the Dwarf

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