OOC - Update for Dr. Black on Jaxx

Jacky breezed in and out, leaving Jade with a distinct impression that either he had found peace with whatever he had been struggling with on the planet; or he had gone completely batsmeg insane. Jaxx also had left, leaving to go and practice more. She was worried about the man (man-shark?), but knew that in time the amnesia would clear.

Hey Dr. Jade just bringing you up to speed on Jaxx. Due to the violent nature of Jaxx in the past it was a matter of time before he crossed to many lines. Also his body had a way to adapt to extreme situations so it made it hard to kill him. So a mysterious vengeful woman in black came from the future and waited till he was alone and shot him with a destabilizing virus which would normally break down his DNA at an accelerated rate till he turned to a pile of goo. The virus was designed from specs of the original MACO specs (This can be found in Jaxx's lab) and did not take into account his exposure to a mutagen gas before he left to the planet we just left.

After he was shot by one dart in the back he escaped his attacker before she could shoot him again. By the time he got back to the camp he was suffering from a lethal fever and his body was fighting to stay alive. During a hallucination he ran to the nearby lake and cooled down in the water. The mutagen in his body altered Jaxx just enough to render the virus inert before the mutagen wore off. However a lot of damage was done in the process. Jaxx lost his super strength, his shark teeth turned to molars, his shark senses are much weaker and only work underwater, he can't eat meat anymore and he suffered permanent brain damage. Jaxx has to learn many things for the first time again and will never remember his past. Also since his body was altered his MACO nanos will no longer work on him and they can't be re-purposed as per Cassandra Jones.

If Dr. Black is curious she can visit the lab and read post or ask Jaxx to show her.
Eye Opener

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