As Cold As Ice

Hasina & Anubis
"Have you heard anything from home?" Hasina asked as she sat near him. Her helmet was down, as it was most of the time. She knew she was safe from anything going on, as her alternate was male. Anubis on the other hand, looked much like Jaxx. Probably in a very similar way to how Alex looked like Twalex.
That was a very good name for him
"Not since our friends arrived." Anubis replied.
They spoke in a kind of code. Anyone overhearing would think they were just talking about friendly visitors, or letters from home. The palace they were living in was kind of purpose-built as a place for the high-ranking nobles and Ra to live while the pyramid was constructed. A Pyramid for the ritual that would get them endless water.
"We need to get a message back to them. The Captain needs to know that we have spoken to several friends, and we need some shelter for them to stay." Hasina said. "Have you spoken to anyone else?"
"Yes." Anubis replied. "Though talking to yourself is considered a sign of madness, I found Evelina."
"I can't stay here for long." Hasina said, truthfully. She had to look after the others.
"Can you get a signal out to Seymour? The Light-Beacon should be clear now." She asked, hoping he would be able to get to the beacon, and send a message out to the Captain. There was no knowing how many of their alternates were here, captive or otherwise...
"Of course." Anubis replied.
"Are you ok?" Hasina asked. "It must be hard to see her again." She'd been nearby at the time, but unable to help.
"Yeah." Anubis replied, solemnly "Hard, but good. Maybe I'll get to say goodbye to her this time, when they leave."
"You will." Hasina said, putting a hand on his arm. "We'll do it right. If you see Noble Alexander, or Jaaday outside during the feast" she added, very quietly so only he would hear, "It's them. We've taken their identities to infiltrate the palace. Detain them as best you can."

Anubis nodded as he replied; “I will send a message to Seymour once I have the alternate me named Jaxx identify his shipmates along with a head count of who we found. I assume the one pretending to be a guard is your double as well?” Hasina smirked as she replied, “I almost forgot how good your nose is and yes he goes by the name Jamie.” Anubis said, “Well that makes five and I am willing to be this will be only half of them so keep your eyes peeled for any others. I am sure there are slight differences like my double has blue hair and human teeth.” Hasina nodded as she replied, “True I noticed Alexander and Jaahday have both a different personality and some slight physical differences.”

Anubis the said, “I will have the alternates in position to escape when the rebellion begins. Jaxx will lead a distraction for me long enough to get to Ra. Whatever happens, make sure they don’t get pinned down during their escape.” Then Anubis stood up as he looked at Hasina through his jackal helmet for a moment before putting his hand on her shoulder and saying, “Thank you Hasina you have been a good friend during these hard times and no matter what happens I am proud to serve with you and the others.” Hasina had a bad feeling from Anubis’s words as she grabbed his arm and said, “What does that mean? What are you planning to do Anubis?” Anubis looked down on Hasina and said, “I will do what must be done. Ra cannot be allowed to continue his reign. Seymour knew the dangers of his plan even before he sent us in. There has always been a chance some of use won’t survive this mission. I just wanted to make my peace with you should I not survive.”

Anubis began to walk away when Hasina said, “Anubis please you don’t need to die to beat Ra.” Anubis stopped still as he replied, “I appreciate your concern Hasina, but as smart as your are with machines you are lacking when it comes to people.” Then Anubis pushed the button on his chest to open his mask to reveal his face. It had been five years since Hasina saw it. Anubis’s eyes had become permanently black five years ago and his body had undergone a dramatic change to control his frenzy. Anubis looked at Hasina with his cold black eyes and said, “I am sorry Hasina, but I have been dead for five years now. Once Ra is dead I will join Evelina in the ‘Great Deep Blue’ (Ocean Heaven).” Hasina was pained to see her friend in such a manner. Anubis put his jackal helmet back on as he said, “Once this is over make it a point to enjoy your life while you can, because life is to short.” Anubis walked out of the food stand and vanished into the shadows again. Hasina sighed as she knew she was going to loose another crew-member and friend.

<TAG> Hasina

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