(Blue Dwarf) Frank Harris 'The arrival of doom'

(I'm taking a step back in time for this post)
Blue Dwarf
Security office.
Harris arrived in the office, groaned and slumped into his chair.
Barely a minute had pass when the door to the office opened and this 'person' entered. Dressed in a filthy hoodless robe with a board strapped to 'his' chest displaying the words 'END OF THE WORLD IS NIGN'.
'Oh goody.' Harris throught to himself. This person had to be Private Kevin Davidson. Harris had been informed that he would be getting another security officer and been told something about this person.
"Private Davidson I take it." Harris commented.
The new security officer just breathed in and then started to scream much to the annoyance of Harris' hangover.
Harris waited for a few minutes waiting for Davidson to stop screaming but when he did stop, he just started up again.
"PRIVATE DOOM HARBRINGER!!" Harris yelled and the security officer stopped the screaming.
"Doom follows you and dark and nasty things shall be done upon someone near to you." Harbringer started.
'I don't need this!' Harris throught as he already had enough problems to deal and then he snarled. "And that someone will be you if you don't SHUT IT!!"
"Colton!" Harris yelled over the ship's internal com.
"Yes Major?" A feminine voice replied over the com.
"Report to my office!" Harris ordered.
Thirty minutes late
Harris just sat glaring at the new security officer when a female security officer with dark red hair arrived. The sight of Harbinger had an affect on security officer, as she dare not get too close to Harbinger.
"Colton, take Private Doom Harbringer here and find some quarters from him." Harris ordered.
"Yes Major." Colton replied. "All right Harbringer, if you would follow me." Then she muttered quietly for Harbringer would hear. "You freak!"
Harris watched as the two security officers left his office.
Twenty minutes later
The Major spun around on his chair and saw the constipated expression on the commanders face.
"Problem?" he asked caring nothing for anything the Commander would say.
"You bet I've got a problem!" he said. "What department is this?" Niples asked.
Harris looked confused, like he needed this. "Like it says on the door... this is security."
"Exactly!" snarled Niples. "And what do I expect you to do?"

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