Pilot Kieran Loes

NRPG: 'Note to self: Check email with more frequency.'
Kieran stumbled out of his room, mopping at his nose. "Damn chicken flu."
He vaguely remembered stumbling aboard the Blue Dwarf to start his new
duties, but had foolishly decided to take a quick nap before seeing the
Captain and actually reporting in. When he had woken up a day later, it was
to discover that he was running a fever, and had funny spots all over his
arms and legs. Another day-long nap had revealed that Kieran had the
chicken flu. If he could have mustered the strength, he would have tried to
reach the infirmary. But the pillows called, and he could not resist their
siren song.
Navigator Kieran Loes, back in the grip of the pillows.
"Poets ... are for other poets."
--Byron, to Shelley in Ken Russell's "Gothic"

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