Frank Harris 'You just can't leave things laying around'

Blue Dwarf
Security officer
Harris had returned from his quarters (A.K.A. cell 01 on deck 13) having changed his shredded shirt and jacket for another that didn't smell too good, he really needed to get some washing done.
He put down the coffee he had on his way to the office on the desk along with those purple pills Ventrite had given him. He had planned to take the pills to the labs for those white-coated loonies to work out what exactly they were. However, someone else had other plans for them. As Harris searched for the forms he needed to get the lab boys to investigate the pills, Bobo, the captain's pet rat had sneaked in the office and in one of the rare moments when Harris' attention was elsewhere had sneaked a couple of the pills into Harris' coffee.
Bobo hiding when Harris came back to the deck with the required forms and downed the coffee. Only then did he notice two the pills where missing and then he saw Bobo hiding behind a table leg.
"You bloody rat!" Harris yelled and hurled his coffee at the rat, he missed and the rat quickly disappeared from sight.
Harris started to consider what to do when he started to see these bright green rabbits jumping around his office.
"Oh, hell!!" Harris commented.

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