Major Harris 'Getting away from work'

Blue Dwarf
The gardens on deck 20
Need to get some batteries for my watch
Harris sat crossed leg on the grass with his eyes closed listening to the silence.
As always it was quite in the garden, empty but for the odd gardener that would say nothing and just went about their business tending to the garden.
While most senior staff would disappear off to some bar to get drunk and drawn their sorrows, Harris would retreat to the quietest area of the ship and with the Blue Dwarf it was the gardens.
Harris had tried that book Councillor Simmons had given him, the 'small book of calm'. Reading that book was meant to make you more relaxed but with Harris it just bored the hell out of him. So he threw it at the security officer that didn't believe in violence when he tried to explain to Harris that there were more ways to solve a problem then just hitting it with something heavy.
Harris heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Private Lloyd approaching him, so much for total peace and quiet.
"Gov." Lloyd said as she came to a stop.
Harris slowly stood up and then commented. "Niples let you off the hook then."
"Ya." Lloyd answered. The young Private looked around and then she commented. "It's nice and quiet down here."
"Is there anything else you want?!" Harris demanded.
"Just wondering if you wanted some company." Lloyd said.
"No, shove off!" Harris snarled.
"You just can't separate yourself from the rest of the crew." Lloyd told the Major.
"Who said I am?" Harris said. "Go away Lloyd!"
"ButÂ…" Lloyd started.
"No buts!" Harris snapped. "Go! Leave me in some peace before I do something you will regret!"
"Can't say I didn't try." Lloyd said and then she left Harris in peace.
(Not really adding to the plot is it. Oh Kayn, annoy Harris and be ready to stuffed to a locker OR WORSE!!)

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