Nipples, be afraid, be very afraid.

Phil's Office
Science Decks
Blue Dwarf
Time:I wonder if you can power a digital watch off a chicken madras?
Saddam the temporal computer was not really sure what happened in those blurred few minutes. All it new was that from this day onwards, Phil refered to to the incedient with actue embarsement and only as "The Last time I bloddy use a Elasto-streach 7000."
However, what really happend was this. This replay has been slowed down for the human eye to comprehend..
Phil let the elastic band go.
Steeve ducked.
The elastic band hit the floor.
It bounced
It hit the cealing
It hit Saddam
It hit Phil's light bee, who was laughing at the fact that Saddam was hit.
This caused Phil to deactactivate and go flying into the main lab.
Steeve tried to grab the light bee(like a good guy would). Steev missed and went headlong into a cage which contained Kenny, a flatuent hamster being fed an experimental new strain of bean called "Flat-u-olot ver 2.3". And the only air hole was now plugged by Steeev's head.
Phil's bee caontinued flight.
Steeve removed his head from the cage just in time to see the bee hit 1 technechian on the head, knock him out, and continue flying until it hit the swtich labeled "Do not press this unless you want a farting hamster to be let loose into the air ducts - you have been warned you silly tit.".
The hamster was realsed
The hamster run into the air vents
Phil's bee hit the floor and reactivated just as the doors to the main lab were opened and the probe recenlty found was brought in.
"What the smegg is that?"
"That your job matey. Captain wants to know where it came from. By the way, have you farted?"
Will Phil figure out where the probe came from?
Will Steeeve be able to smell anything else apart from hamster botty-burbs?
Will the farting hamster be recovered before the entire ship smell of beans?
If you actualy care and would not rather do something else instead, then I suggest you stay tuned....
OOC:Kenny the hamster is not really an NPC, as he might be killed off in a couple of posts time. If you want him to live, then let me know. If you want him dead, then suggestion of the method of his dead are most welcome.

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