Let's get Allie out of there and repaired

Location : BD Brig
Time : Just after Tara left
People :Allie and Phil
Phil picked up both Light bee's. He put his in his pocket, just in case he reverted again. 
Phil looked around. There was no guards present. He called up Saddam on his remote link.
"Arrgh - screming tree wobbles...." said Saddam.
"Damm it. Saddma's still screwed up. Holly - open a secure channel to me please."
Holly's head popped up on Phil's Palm pilot.
"You dude, what's going on? I see your human again."
"I need you to lower the feild on this cell. There are some "distbances" that I need to look at."
"You sure that wise?"
"I am the CSO Holly. Please do it."
With a blink the feild was gone. Phil looked at Allie, who nodded, the reached into her own body and turned off the bee. Phil then activated the fake bee and a version of Allie appeared to be walking around the cell. He then looked at his watch. Time remainging to fake bee dsiengaged - 1 hours:30 mins. Just enough time.
With that Phil left the brig and headed to the lab at fast speed.

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