(No subject)

We're all sorry to see you go Larry. But I know how hard it is to juggle
real life with creative writing as demanding as this.
If you do decide to come back we'll welcome you with open arms. In the
meantime we will continue your character as an NPC (non player character)
and if you don't come back we'll say you got transferred to another posting.
Then you can come back at anytime you want. :-)
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Cmdr Seymour Niples
----- Original Message -----
From: Benjamin . <jinxhead@...>
To: <theonion770@...>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 4:16 PM
> I regret to inform that I'm no longer forseeing a future for me on the
Blue Dwarf. I'm sure this wont come as a shock- my last post being over a
month ago, but I thought I might make it official. My job is taking too
much of my time and my computer is fried, so posting is nearly impossible.
I enjoyed the game and may consider re-joining in a few months (when the
seasonal employment calms down), but as of now I'm off.
> Sorry!
> Larry Rongside

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