The Phil who loved me

Who:- Tara, Phil, Katrina
Where:- promenade
When:- your guess is as good as mine!
She put her head on Phil's shoulder, looking out at Tara. "You believe him,Tara?" she asked, her voice full of snide. "He's already lied to me aboutsomething being behind me. Think this is the truth?" ----------------------------------------
Tara grinned
"You fell for that old trick!" Tara burst out laughing "Man ... look im sorry but it is the oldest one in the book" Katrina decided not to stir things up any more she smiled at Tara
"Yea I suppose I was a bit gullable" during this conversation Phil had stayed put fearing what Tara might do to him if he moved. Tara turned on Phil gave him a hug and whispered in his ear
"Are you still in human form?" Phil was puzzeled. Then it dawned on him and he nodded.
"You know your cat Pita, well just look out, because dogs think they're human and cats think they are god" and with that she smiled goodbye and left with Phil

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