Enter Dr Patrick Cerebrum

Dr Patrick Cerebrum stepped out of the shuttle and into the shuttle
bay. The shuttle, as soon as Patrick was clear, disdained all safety
regulations and left the shuttle bay at maximum possible speed.
Patrick had no idea why the pilot wanted to leave so quickly; he had
been getting on so well with him. In fact, he had spent the last two
hours explaining the significance of the lower left quarter of right
brain in the treatment of schizophrenia.
As he headed towards the medi-bay, he noted that the Blue Dwarf was
nothing like the last ship he served on, the SCS Invincible. He had
served on that one for a week before the captain called up high
command and bluntly told them that either Dr Patrick Cerebrum got
transfered to another ship, or Dr Patrick Cerebrum would be shot out
of a torpedo tube.
Once he arrived at the door to the medi-bay, he entered and placed
his bag on a handy table. He didn't have very many personnel
belongings, since he spent most of his salary on expensive mind
scanners, alpha wave detecotrs, experimental new drugs and alcohol.
"Hi," he announced to everybody in the room, "I'm Dr Patrick
Cerebrum, the new chief psychiatrist on board this, this ship." (He
choose the word ship since junkyards usually weren't found in deep
space.) "Could you tell me where I can find the chief medical
officer, I've got orders to report to him."

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