Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] That wasn\'t a pastry you just eat(only joking)

"You don't frightne me," sneared Dirk. "I hurt you once, I can do it again.."
"True, but then again, I could always put you down for "Onitment Testing" with
Keto... All I ask, is that from now on, you stay out of my way and I stay out of
yours. Deal?"
<<Well Dirk, do we have a deal >>
"No dice, holo-boy." Dirk responded. "Besides, this goes way beyond the ETHICS
of cloning. You know as well as I do that the Space Corps has enacted
interstellar law against any unauthorized genetic research since the gelf
upheaveal started. You can't just up and decide to clone on a whim. You have
to put in for special permission from Space Corps, and an answer could take
years to come back, yeah or neah." Dirk turned and hobbled for the door.
"Don't turn your back on me!" Phil yelled at him. "I'm your superior!"
"You might be my boss, but you sure as hell aren't my superior."
"I'm the head science officer on this ship! I'll do what I bloody well please!"
"You might be the head honcho in the science bay, but you aren't the big cheese
on this ship or in the Space Corps. You might as well forget about this cloning
idea. I won't let it happen. No matter what. And neither will Space Corps.
So just cool yourself down before you melt your light bee." The doors swooshed
open and Dirk stepped out into the hallway and walked off.
Phil steamed in his place for a moment. He then decided to yell something witty
and damaging to Dirk, "Bell! This isn't.." The doors swooshed close. "....oh,
As he walked down the hall to his room, Dirk couldn't help reflecting on the
situation. "Hell, if I can take down a psychotic robot with the fascination
that it's a pimp, then I can definitely be able to take a crazed hologram
out...... again." The memory of Allie in the hallway leaking toxic gas entered
his mind. "Damn, is it a requirement to be absolutely in-fucking-sane to be put
on this wreck?"
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