The three people - Very bewildering - A knowledge of Space/TIme is

Three Kayns walked out of the light near Kayn's starbug
One was smaller and more bewildered than the others
Another was tall and seemed to know what he was doing
The other was an exact replica of the real Kayn which was wondering what the hell was going on
"I know...You don't believe it? I didn't beleive it...but now i know it was real because I'm here when I was there and your there and will eventually come here talking to another one" said the tall one - before Kayn had any chance to speak. The taller one had a suprisingly higher pitched voice than the 'real' Kayn
The smaller one couldn't believe his eyes. The normal one had the same expression as Kayn.
Who are you? Thought Kayn. At that instant the taller one said "I am you - two years on - the one next to me is you, now and the smaller one is you two years ago"
"Eh?" said Kayn
"I said the same thing"
"So...your me in two.."
"And he's me now?"
"So how can..."
"The other one be you before? Remember that dream you had in the Academy? The one where you went to an abandoned space ship and met three older versions of you?"
"That was because of the ravioli Hans made in Home Ec! I was ill..."
"For three months - where we picked you up and brought you here"
The smaller one threw up inside the space suit. All the other Kayns knew that one was coming - they had been there."I'm gonna kill Hans when I wake up - he must've dropped some mushrooms in there...I'm"
"Alergic to mushrooms?" The other three Kayns said.
"So why does the other one not speak?"
"He's your copy now...We are the Kayns of the Future, Past and Present. He has been speaking when you speak"
The other Kayn was mimicing Kayn the whole time...that's why he wasn't speaking - he was - but he was speaking at the exact instant Kayn was, and he hadn't noticed - in fact - the other one had only just noticed...very strange. Kayn had a headache, and his double felt it aswell.
"Back to business - we're here to get you out of this dump" the older one said
"How? Blue's gone! I'm alone in space with coffee slugging scutters for company!"
"Look up there..."
"Behind me...I mean you...arg..." The future one was getting confused...he must have forgot what he said two years ago to himself...Kayn looked behind him and just saw Blue...he could pick it out... and a smaller object was behind it.
"Shoot that hamster"
"The what????"
"It's the flatuent hamster that.." began the future Kayn
"hit me on the head and was the reason for all this shit?" Kayn had actually headed off his future double - and it was not looking pleased.
"Exactly. Shoot at exactly these coordinates...then get out of starbug" The future Kayn handed the real Kayn some info on paper
"But the shotgun cant...but I'm not..." Kayn stuttered
"Trust me...and whatever you do...don't aim ten degrees up"
"You'll find out.." and with that...they disapeared....
Back in starbug...Kayn was confused. He aimed the shotgun up at the coordinates...but they would hit the dirt of the asteroid! So he 'changed' them a bit - 10 degrees the future self told him not to...and he fired
Kenny the hamster was holding his fart... The ammount of power it was holding to try and not be turned inside out by the vaccuum of space. It realeased a bit of it's gas...and was hit full on by a shotgun bullet....which made him explode with the strength of an atomic missile. This clipped blue dwarf...sending it temporarily into a loop...the loop lasted ten hours...and it hit full on with Kayn's asteroid...devastating starbug, as Kayn leaped out. Kayn wondered why he was told not to aim at ten degrees more...until the corpse of an expired hamster landed on his face.
He was back in the drive room in no time, and they were running on hamster power - accelerating back to where they were ten hours ago...

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