Major Harris 'What the bloody hell is going on?!'

Blue Dwarf (still in a spin)
Drive Room
The bloody ship is spinning around and you are asking the damn time?!
"What the bloody hell is going on?!" Harris snapped as the security officer stormed in to the drive room.
Harris was not at all pleased. Four security staff he had put on report for drunken behaviour, and one of the idiots had flashed the captain's wife, some of Lloyd's explosive stash had gone missing and Death Wish had tried to kill himself, yet again, what the bloody hell was he meant to do with him. To top all that off he had seen the quantity of paperwork he had to deal with.
Because of the gravity plating in the floors everyone was walking around normally and not being thrown around like that bit in a rattle that makes the noise when its' shaken.
"We're in a spin." Kieran Loes answered.
"I already bloody know that, Loes!" Harris snapped. "What I what to know is why?!"
"There was a explosion, Sir." That dim blonde that Niples was meant to remove reported.
"Don't call me SIR!" Harris snarled at the blonde.
"Yes sir… er… Major." The blonde said.
(Loes, you can finish this one off)

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