Ffion - and Kayn's other selves second visit

Don't care what the time is
Kayn couldn't see a thing. His head was still spinning from the anasthetic (funny name for a big mallet) from his last excursion. He had been placed in Blue Midget as a passenger, mainly because Nipels didn't trust him near another Starbug (which still happens to be sqaushed between an asteroid and Blue Dwarf btw)
He had a small handgun in case anything went wrong - which meant something certainly would. Suddenly in front of him, three figures appeared.
"Not you lot again" said Kayn and one of his other selves
"You may want to duck" said the younger one
"He doesn't" said the older one "I know for a fact he doesnt
"Why don't I-" before he could finish, Kayn felt a sharp blow to the back of his neck as a rock smashed into it. Kayn's other self collapsed as well.
"See... I told you" said the older one
And with that they disapeared- again, leaving Kayn unconsious on the dirt. Next thing he felt was a lot of water on his face...and a voice shouting "Wake up"

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