One lost Hamster!

White Wolf
Deck 5, The Promenade
White Wolf scampered quickly amidst the crowd of people as several of
them gave shouts of surprise & shrieks of terror, saying all the
way "Pardon me… So, Sorry! … Excuse me." Occasionally he
paused to
pick up some dropped shopping bags and attempted to return it to the
owners, he was greeted with a shrieking refusal, and when he tried
offering it to the rest of the nearby crowd, "Can someone please turn
this in to the lost and found, I have to be on the bridge right
away?", rest of the people around him just plain fled. "Oh Dear, this
is going to make me very late!" And went off in search of a security
officer to turn the shopping bag over too.
Pausing to stand to stand on his two hind legs in front of a
Macdonalds sign flashing "1/2 price sale on Chicken Mcnuggets" to
sniff the air while thinking "It smells a little burned for my taste,
I wonder if their serving it with extra sweet and sour sauce, that
might make worth it." He looked around for a few moments in hopes of
spotting a uniformed security officer. Seeing none, he said to
himself "Well, perhaps I should move to the bridge, I can't neglect
my duties any longer. " and before he could move, a rather angry old
lady begin to smack him over the head with her cane while yelling at
him "You nasty masher!", wincing sharply, he dropped the shopping
bags in surprise while attempting to duck out of the way.
He then took a step back to try and retrieve the shopping bags back,
and the old lady brandished her cane again. "Ow, Ouch! Ok, ok, you
take them, lady!" dropping to all fours and darting away through the
As he found the promenades exit, while groaning miserably, he
thought "Now *how* am I going to explain this to the security chief?
I got *mugged by a granny* within five minutes of arriving?!"
On the lower decks
First, a small group of rats were gathering around the rat
wearing coveralls from the Hanger deck, while listening intently as
it described the 6 foot, 1 inch hamsters arrival. Then as more rats
gathered around, several of them began murmuring quietly to one
another. And as the crowd of rats grew larger by the moment some
rants began shouting "This could be the one who's coming was
And as the crowd of rats covered the floor of one large room like a
living carpet, a elderly wise looking rat stood up on a chair and
spoke up to be heard by the crowd while raising his hands in the air
to be noticed, "Alert everyone! This is a great day for all rodent
kind.", nearly all cheered in agreement, then other rats yelled "we
must watch him", others said excitedly "we must find his
burrow!", "He'll know where the good cheese and peanut butter
is!", "we must alert must Bo-Bo!", "They'll make a treaty with
humans!" and slowly the several rats in the crowd began
chanting "yes, Yes, YES!" Rats began pouring out of the room
excitedly dashing off in all directions.
Blue Dwarf pub room
Several minutes later
White Wolf scampers in, and comes to a dead stop in shock while
momentarily shuddering in horror as he watches a bar patron taking a
long swig of his beer.
After finishing the drink, the patron glances at White Wolf, closes
his eyes and shakes his head for a moment, and then opens them to
look at him again. Then muttering while eying his beer, "Well, No
wonder they issued the caution alert. This beer stock must be going
Snapping out of his shock with the patrons comment, White Wolf
quickly admonishes him, "I wouldn't drink that if I were you, that's
how I became a hamster!" then turns around and quickly exits the pub.
The patron quickly puts down the glass and pushes it away, while
blanching, the patron says "I don't think I'm gonna ever touch that
stuff again!"
Security Offices
Tiny Jackson answers a call on his comm. "Security, This is Tiny."
The frantic yelling from the other end nearly made Tiny plug his
ears, "Yes? You wish to report a 6 ft 'friggin rat' running through
the promenade?" Thinking this must be another drunk caller, "and did
he have pink fur?" More frantic yelling "No? He had tan fur with
dark brown patchs, and demonic red looking eyes. Riiiggghht!"
followed by more frantic yelling, "Uh Huh, Sure, I'll be right along
as soon as I can sir, Tiny out." Shaking his head while heading for
the door, "Why do I get all the weird ones on my shift? I'm going to
have to put another one into the drunk tank to sleep it off…"
Outside the Bridge
A few minutes later
White Wolf is darting down the hallway, stopping a moment to stand up
on his hind legs to glance around to get his bearings at a
junction, "Ahh, there's the bridge!" and begins to dart forward when
suddenly a Latrine door opens in front of him and nearly clocks him
"Oh, I beg your Pardon…" Capt Cannon steps out of the latrine and
glances around the door to see the 6 foot 1 inch hamster sprawled out
on the floor, and in horror he exclaims "Oh My God! Bo-Bo! I nearly
killed you! Here let me help you up. Ummmppphhh… My how you've
Slowly getting hauled up, White Wolf was dazedly thinking, "Now who's
this clown?" and coming to his senses, he does a double take with his
eyes nearly bugging out when he sees Capt. Cannon, who is still
wearing his clown suit from the party.
"Capt. Cannon?"
"Yes, Bo-Bo, are you alright?"
"Umm, Yes sir. I think I'm alright."
Capt Cannon grabs White Wolf by the paws and begins leading him down
the hall, "Why don't I take you down to medical and have the Doctor
take a look at you?"
"But sir, Shouldn't you be on the bridge?"
"Oh, Niples can handle it while I'm away."
"Shouldn't I look at the Comm suite?"
"Now don't you worry about that, Bo-Bo."
"who's Bo-bo?"
"Why you of Course."
"No, I'm White Wolf."
"I really got to get you to the Doctor, I must have hit you really
"But Sir… I really am White Wolf, I'm reporting for Duty as your
officer, Handyman Engineer, and Security Officer!"
Capt Cannon begins running while pulling White Wolf along "You really
are hurt!"

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