Steev....from bad to...well....odd

Luggage Locker
too weirded out!
Now that the insects had gone, Steev had no other option but to hang around
and wait for something to happen. I mean, there wasn't exactly anywhere for
him to go....except further into the locker. And that wasn't much fun, even
if it was to just sleep...
Luggage locker
Steev woke up, still in the locker. He opened the door to find...A rather
heroic looking gentleman indeed. Before he could react with the
time-honoured response of "Uhhhh?" he was hauled out onto dry land.
Steev tried the "Uhhh?" now.
"Dear me, looks like you poor fellow has been knocked around a little.
Don't worry me old fruit, you'll be OK!" He extended a gloved hand.
"Captain Arnold Rimmer here, pleased to meet you!" For it was he. Steev
weakly took the outstretched arm and nearly had it pumped out of his socket.
"Sorry, didn't catch the handle, me old mucker!" Despite himself Steev
"Steev. Spelled S-T-E-E-V" then he stoofd back and waited for the
laughter...insted he was greeted with a hearty slap on the back. "Unusual
monicker Steev, but I'm sure you're a damned fine man all the same! So what
brings you to this blasted planet?"
Steev just stood and stared blankly.
"Are you there?"
Steev snapped out of his reverie. "Oh, sorry! Yes! I travelled down to
the planet with some of the crew from my ship, the Blue Dwarf. Then I got
knocked out and woke up in this locker."
Ace's eyes lit up. "Blue Dwarf you say? Brings back memories of the Small
Rouge one herself..."
"Red Dwarf? you've been there?"
"Of course! She's the pride of the Space Corps! 72-gun warship..."
Steev cut him off. 72-gun warship? Something was amiss here..."Err...are
you sure Captain Rimmer sir?"
"Of course I am! Why, who doesn't know all about the Red Dwarf down to the
smallest detail? You look like an engineer, you must know!"
Steev tried to let him down gently, but decided "sod it"
"No it's not, it's a big ugly mining ship! What planet are you from? Which
cracker did you get your flight certification in! Which dimension did
you..." It was Ace's turn to cut him off.
"Dimension you say? Hmmm, I think I've found the problem Steevo! You see
it's because...[OOC:-OK, you've all seen Dimension Jump, I can't be bothered
recreating, it's late and I'm tired! :-)]"
The engineering spirit in Steev flickered a little. "Wow, you say your ship
can do all this? It can't be done!" Just then, something amazing happened.
Super Engineer manifested itself for a few short seconds, just long enough
for the solution to materialise.
"It can't be done...unless [OOC:- More tech! I'm no engineer, nor a major
sci-fi fan...sue me! :-)]!"
Ace didn't seem the least surprised. I knew you knew how! I think I'll
call you Shot, I think the name sits well!"
Shot. Shot MAckEnZyyyyyyyyyy. He was right. It did.
"So where do we go now Ace?" Steev asked.
Suddenly a large glow illuminated the horizon. "Looks like a battle Shot, I
think we should be on our way over, see if we can save the day and all that.
Let's go!"
Steev didn't want to make a demand of his new found friend, but couldn't
resist, he couldn't give it up....
"Errr Ace? Can we take the locker with us, it's kinda personal...
Far away, in the distance...two figures walked over the hill. One scraggly
human shaped type, walking with far too much enthusiasm than his body shape
seemed to normally allow, and a strong, tall man, with an abnormally large
metallic backpack and the demeanour of a hero. Steev and Ace were going to
save the day.
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