[JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Harris + Niples "Sabotage" (Revised)

<<I have reworked my part in this point post to be more in line with the action post as before it made little sense, well to me anyway>>
StarBug Bay 02
8015 hours
Major Harris was dragging the large case of 'supplies' he had acquired from the Blue Dwarf's armoury towards the shuttle, when way he met up with the Gelf scientist, Mahok Yolandon who helped him carry the heavy object.
Harris couldn't think it odd for a Gelf to speak English as the Gelf language involved the poor sod being spoken to by the Gelf being drowned in spit.
Harris and Mahok began to discus about the Gelf upbringing, and Harris inappropriately voiced his opinion that every last Gelf should be shot, only to have the heavy case dropped on him. He made a mental note to himself, 'Never piss of a Gelf carrying something heavy!'
Harris looked up at the green ship that was going to take him and most of the senior staff down to the planet. 'Bloody budget cuts'. Harris throught to himself, the Blue Dwarf had enough room to house at least twelve starbugs but they had three.
At least they weren't going down in a Blue Midget, they were way to small for his liking and the way they took off left him wanting to vomit, not that that starbugs were much better as they were slower then an ice-cream van flooring it.
That android, Box, would be left in charge of the ship while they were down on the planet. 'At last, a competent officer in charge', Harris throught to himself.
"Where I am I?" Jill called from his pocket.
Harris groaned, that damn computer was asleep when he had removed her from the draw in the security and he could imagine that it would be a nasty shook to wake up in his trouser pocket.
Harris rised his watch and quietly told Jill. "I can't trust you enough to leave you alone on this ship so you're coming down to the planet with me!"
"Why?" Jill demanded.
"Because I don't intend on returning to the ship to find you have convinced the scutters into a revolt and have taken over the ship." Harris snarled at her quietly, sure that Van Threk was looking at him like he was mad, more so.
Harris noticed Commander Niples looking at the large case and then the Commander enquired "What is that anyway?"
"Just a few things that I thought might come in handy..." was Harris' cryptic reply.
Seymore opened the case, it was full of weapons ranging from small sidearms to rocket launchers.
"What the smeg?!" shrieked the commander, "There's enough to supply a small army here! We're going on a scouting mission, not a bloody seek-and-destroy!"
Harris then noticed the Captain had finally arrived at the shuttle looking at his watch and he noticed the assortment of guns.
"Ahh, good idea." The Captain said. "We might need weapons if things turn nasty, we don't know what could be down there."
Harris watched as Commander Nipels walked with a disapproving look on his face.
"Meat! Donover! Come here!" shouted the commander from the other side of the shuttle. The two unlucky "redshirts" ambled over to him. "yes sir!" the said as they saluted.
The commander waited a few minutes for them to finish the long salute and then whispered orders to the two.
"Look, heres the situation. There have been rumours of a religeous group operating within the Earth Military, they use extreme action against any "disbelievers" and we fear that there may be some onboard."
"What are they called sir?"
The air around Niples was still and silent as he spoke the words that struck fear into everyone's hearts.
"They are called.........The Clarkson Brethren!"
The two security officers looked at each other nervously.
"What do you want us to do about it?"
"I want you to search the shuttle for anything unusual- the brethren may have sabotaged it." the two started to salute again but Niples waved them off. They began to search the Starbug, looking under tables and behind seats- even in the glove compartment.
After a few minutes they reported back the Niples and Harris empty handed. Harris sighed and went to check for himself.
Harris disappeared into the engine section of the ship. Then he shouted. "Donover, Meat! Get in here, now!"
The Commander followed the two security crewmen into the engine second and saw what Harris what was shouting about.
"How the hell do you miss something like this?!" Harris snarled at the security crewmen pointing towards a large black casing with LEDs flashing 'ARMED' with a piece of paper stuck to the casing.
Harris spun round to Donover and Meat and yelled at them. "You searched this ship three bloody times and still you failed to notice that!"
"Never mind that." Nipels said calmly. "We have to defuse the bomb."
"Cut the red wire." Donover said.
"No, its' the yellow wire." Meat said.
"It's neither." Harris commented peering into a hatch he opened in the casing. "All the wires are black, however did this did not learn but put together a explosive device from watching the movies!"
"What this?" Donover commented as he pulled the piece of paper free of the case. "It's a note, sir." Donover told Nipels and then he handed it to the Commander.
"Hello Commander Nipels." Nipels started to read aloud. "We the remain few of the 'Clarkson brethren' are going to get revenge on you for your part in preventing us from reaching the 'Great Ferrari in the stars'. This is really going to ruin your day as we have planted a bomb in this ship's engines. Have a nice day."
Then the timer ran out.
Everyone in the shuttlebay dived for cover and Seymore dropped the ticking object to the ground.
Instead of exploding, a large mouth appeared on the timer of the bomb and started spouting eccentric drivvel.
"I have a feeling next time we won't be so lucky" said Niples.

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