there pinky and there perky mysterious and merky there altogeather

Alota let him go...Chrysler fell to the floor and blubbered like a little child.
Alota was stunned silent....
<<End snip>>
"She's what?" Alota said trying to grasp onto the fact that her best friend was pregnant,
"It's true" Jay said nursing his finger from the floor, Alota finally snapped back to reality,
"Oh Jay love I'm so sorry, here let me sort that out for you" Alota bent down to grasp Jay's finger gently, but it was yanked away as Jay suddenly got up and bolted from their shared quarters.
"Jay where you going?" Alota screeched after him
"Away from you"
"Look in your hand" Alota looked into her hand and she'd actually gripped a bottle of blue ointment,
"How did that get here?" she wondered but snapped back to reality as she realised that Jay was still injured. she got up then started running down the corridor after Jay ointment bottle still in hand. She raced round the corner of the habitat ring thingy and started heading to pilot's deck after Jay. Whilst she was running she sped straight past Tara shouting an attempt at congratulations, but it kinda came out as
"Congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" as Alota ran around the corner into Keto. She looked at him, he looked at her a little meep was let out and Alota went running in another direction after throwing the ointment bottle at Keto.
<< = D>>
OCC:- sorry it's short but I'm a muppet what do you expect from a classified member of the goof troup?

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