writers block - hah, i pull the nipples of writers block

who : Phil-a(from the bd) & Phil-b(from the RD)
where : Red Dwarf
When : Just after Tara was thrown in the cell
Phil-a was woken up quite rudely(ie being slapped in the face).
"wake up you smeg head. Your woman has been captured."
Phil-a eyes opened slowely to see, well, Phil-b standing over him.
"I didn't realise I was that good looking," thought Phil-a as he was dragged up.
"Who are you?"
"Phil like you. only my last name is Fesod."
"Not Febuggure?"
"No, just Fesod"
"Anyway where am i, and what going on here?"
Phil Fesod filled(sorry about the pun) in on events since his mysterious capture.
"But HOW did I get here?"
"You fell into a garbage shute and into a waste pod and was jetsoned into space. I picked up your life signs and took you on board. Before I take you to Tara, do you know if Rimmer is safe?"
"Yep, why do you care?"
"Becasue I helped him to escape to your ship that's why..."
<<who's next ?>>

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