(no subject)

OOC: If I get this completely wrong just change the parts to suit your needs. I'm just a muppet what do you expect.
Where: Drive room
When: Your guess is as good as mine!
Who: I haven't a clue
Alota knew something was wrong, the supposed commander White Wolf that was in the drive room had an evil sort of look about him, even though he was a hamster. She needed to disintrest this hamster, or at least try and sort something out to prevent from cyanide gas. And another thing, she was a dignified (yeah right) officer, not some merciless killer. This definatly wasn't the right 6 ft ball of fluff known as White Wolf, he cares about the crew, even Harris, which in itself was quite amazing. Looking down at the console an idea struck her,
"Oh commander White Wolf" she said in the that makes everyone think you want something,
"What is it Ms Viagra?" he asked walking up to her,
"I'm affraid the cyanide gas canister has run out, all we have left is helium",
"Well use helium" he said, this made Alota grin even more, you see what the muppet hamster didn't realise was that the only place connected to helium was the drive room. Alota pressed the room,
"Helium released" Alota said smiling cheerfully before a voice started changing.
"Good work.." White wolf stopped his voice had gone two octives higher
"Viagra!" he screamed in his brand new Smurf voice,
"What have you done?"
<Heh heh next!>

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