the use of cliche comic book change of action signals

The big guy with the even bigger gun led Dirk down into the lower
levels of the Blue Dwarf. They were nearing the power core. Dirk
began to speculate why his alternate self was sent on board the Blue
At the whole other end of the ship, Joe was taking the alternate Dirk
to the Drive Room. Outside of the door, they met everyone who had
been inside when the whole Dark Katrina bit went down. "What's
happening here?" Joe asked.
"It's a long story that gets confusing without charts and pictures,"
Alota responded.
"These Red Dwarf pirates are all over the ship," Joe, feeling that he
needed to report something to someone, said. "There's no telling what
they'll do next."
"They'll probably try and shut down the main power reactor, leaving
the Blue Dwarf completely defenseless to any other attacks. That will
allow the Red Dwarf team to infiltrate the ship with almost no
resistance. With power gone, not only will the security measures be
made inoperative, but the life support systems will fail also. This
will force the Blue Dwarf crew to either surrender or die of
asphyxiation," the Dirk from the other universe blurted out without
really thinking.
Everyone turned their gaze towards him. No one said a word. Their
eyes did the talking; and they said, "How the hell did you know that?"
"It's just a hypothesis," he replied to their stares.
Dirk was fiddleing with the main control panel for the reactor core.
He was trying to make it look like he was doing something without
actually doing anything. He knew that this was tricky business and
didn't want to blow the ship up or cause a complete shutdown(he didn't
like the idea of having to reprogram his VCR again).
"You know what?" he said to his armed escort. "I don't have all the
tools I need to do this right."
"You were supposed to bring them along!" the man shouted. "You had
them when we stepped off the Starbug. Where are they now?"
"I must ' the middle of
all that fighting out there. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'll need to
go get some more. Should be plenty on this ship." Dirk stood up to
go "looking for tool" when the big guy with the even bigger gun
stopped him and said that he'd do it and for Dirk to concentrate on
the control panel.
The guy returned pushing a hover-cart with some tools he managed to
scrounge up. By that time Dirk had come up with a plan, and abandoned
it, came up with another plan, which was also immediatly abandoned,
drafted yet another plan, but it got held up in committee. Now he was
left with, probably, the best solution to the entire situation. It
was brilliant, spectacular, amazing, stupendious, and it was pretty
good too.
"Alright," Dirk said to the big guy with the even bigger gun, "hand me
a wrench. No, not that one. Bigger. Bigger. Bigger. The one right
next to it. There, that's what I was looking for." It took all the
strength he had in both arms to lift the wrench. It was huge. The
wrench was made of titanium and ironium( a synthetic alloy proven to
be the most durable meatal produced, making it the number one choice
for the design of things that need to last several lifetimes, and also
extremely heavy, making it impossible for anyone to steal your toolbox
when you weren't looking.).
"Could you hold that plate right there?" Dirk asked him. The guy
complied, bending over and holding a plate on the side of the control
panel with both hands. Dirk had a perfect shot at a spot right on the
back of the guys head. He lifted the wrench up over his head and
aimed for his target. The guy, not even looking in Dirk's direction,
remained bent over, holding the plate, motionless.
The schemeing scientist took his moment of oppuritunity. He brought
the wrench down to meet the exact location he wanted it to go. Just
before contact, he let his hands release the wrench to provide more
momentum. The wrench landed smack dab in the back pocket of the big
guy who had the big gun's ammo belt.
The weight of the wrench ripped it apart. He stood up to attack Dirk,
not realizing that his pants had now fallen down around his ankles.
Dirk had jumped back several feet as soon as he let the wrench go.
The guy lunged for him and tripped over his own clothing and fell to
the floor. This is exactly how Dirk wanted the whole thing to go down.
The athletic scientist quickly pounced on the grounded giant. He was
able to throw a few blows before being knocked off. As the big guy
who, at this particular time, did not have his even bigger gun returnd
to his feet, Dirk made his way to the tool box on the hover-cart that
was full of ironium tools and attatched a bungee cable to it. Dirk
then brought it to the big guy's attention that the other end was
wrapped around his big ankle that was also covered by his fallen pants.
The guy tried to untied the cable. Dirk was steadily pushing the
extremely heavy toolbox to the edge of the catwalk they were on. The
guy had no luck. Dirk used the same kind of knot that is found on
ribbons for Christmas and birthday presents. It would take a knife to
cut it loose.
The box finally feel over the catwalk and down the shaft that extended
for 20 decks. The cable tightened and pulled the guy to the edge.
His body was too big to fit between the catwalk floor and the bottom
guard rail. The weight of the toolbox was beginning to tear at his
leg. "I hate to see someone suffer like this," Dirk said looking at
the grimaces of pain on the man's face. Dirk used a laser torch to
cut the rail enough for it to bend under the guy's weight so that the
Red Dwarf pirate wannabe could plummet to his death.
"Now," said Dirk picking up something very big off the ground, "I've
got the big gun."

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