I Hope She\'s Under Warranty - Part 2

OOC: This is a long post. Be warned...
Who: Zodar, Cubie, DirkWhen: Most probably late at night, but I don't really know.Where: Zodar's room.Usually the noise of people passing in the corridors kept people in their rooms company on lonely nights. The restless, the sick, most probably insane people, roaming the halls with nothing better to do, their feet sliding on the metallic floors.Some people made a hobby out of guessing what kind of footwear the crewmember was wearing.Most couldn't care less.Although it wasn't technically night on Blue Dwarf, (Let's face it, it's either permanently night or day) Zodar was about to rest.He'd spent a few cycles fixing his friend's wife, but not like that, you dirty person...He had made so many additions to the transporter device that contained Cubie that it looked quite different.The most noticeable improvement was a new casing, designed to fit a hand perfectly, since the previous casing was damaged beyond repair. It was now a techno-glove, allowing greater freedom for the user. It was a bit chunky on the back of the glove where the keypad was, but the circuits were spread over the entire surface of the glove, made flexible and covered in extremely tough fabric. It looked and felt great on the hand...Inside, the complex workings of the transporter were fixed as far as Zodar knew. The exact workings of the unit were a mystery to Chris, but Cubie (Who's form was temporarily restored for advanced technical advice) assured Chris that it looked correct.Apparently the quantum resonance clusters were fused and required freeing before the tau modulator could work at maximum efficiency. Maximum efficiency of the tau modulator is essential for a time jump, due to the erratic nature of the tau sub-particle flow.As for additions to the original matrix, Zodar was able to grant Cubie the ability to control her environment telekinetically, rather than physically, with the use of unseen hard light. Or rather, by using the same concept of hard light holograms, but manipulating light in which she holds no visible form. This function would require greater amounts of power to work, so the default setting for this would be off unless a more efficient power source could be found. Use of this function may be used in short bursts, but then, why would you want to hold something in the air for more than a few seconds anyway?Perhaps in the future Zodar could fix this if a suitable power source could be found, but for now, Cubie and controller were fixed and ready to be returned. The only thing left to do was recharge Cubie's power supply and get some sleep.Zodar plugged the unit into the ship's main power grid and walked back to his bunk."Lights." he said as he made himself comfortable in his bed.The lights blacked out and only the faint glow of the Cubie's recharging light remained.To Zodar's surprise, it went out for a fraction of a second, then came on again like nothing had even happened."What the... Lights."The room filled with light, and Zodar walked over to inspect the device he'd spent so long repairing, but it was fine. There was nothing odd about it at all.Zodar kept completely still for a second to listen....There was no-one in the hall. No wandering insane people was quite odd.He could hear nothing but his own breath."Something has gone wrong. Something's not right..."He grabbed his jacket and noticed Cubie's controller on the desk."Time for a test run, I think. I hope Zack doesn't mind..."Zodar slipped the glove onto his hand and activated the control to make Cubie appear."Rise and shine! We may have a problem."Cubie rubbed her eyes and yawned."But I just went to bed!""Yes, I know, so did I. I think someone is up at the engine room messing with the power core.""Where's Zack?!""I don't know. But C'mon, LET'S GO!!!" Shouted Zodar impatiently as he ran out the door with Cubie close behind.< Engine Room >As the engine room came closer sounds of struggling could be heard combined with "tough guy turned girly" whimpers and ultimately a huge crash that sent shivers down Zodar's spine.Cubie whispered, "How do I use the new abilities you gave me?"Zodar shrugged, "Just wish it... I don't know..."Cubie and Zodar looked around the last corner...< SNIP >"Now," said Dirk picking up something very big off the ground, "I'vegot the big gun."< END SNIP >Cubie made an action like she was taking something and suddenly the big gun that Dirk had was ripped from his hands by some invisible force and into Cubie's awaiting arms."Hey! Give that back!" Dirk shouted, "I spent ages trying to get it. You don't deserve it..."Zodar stepped around the corner."I trust that it works, does it Cubie?""Better than I had hoped..." She said, awestruck."Give the gun back to Dirk, you can always take another if you need to...""I'm not sure about that. I need to recharge soon. I might not be able to do the telekinetic thing again.""Cubie... Give Dirk the gun.""Ohh... you're no fun..." Cubie sighed as she handed Dirk the gun.Dirk was overcome by the weight of the gun at first, but re-adjusted quickly.Zodar walked up to Dirk, "So, nothing's wrong with the reactor core?""Not now," Dirk said, "I just fiddled with it. I didn't touch anything I thought was a major part of it.""Good." Zodar said, inspecting the terminals and gratings, "Where to now?"< Continue, Dirk or even Zack (now that Cubie is running again) >OOC: This was so much fun to write... :) I hope that Zack and Cubie like the improvements I made.

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