Space the final... wait... wrong series

Who: Phil, FeSod, Tara
Where: Red Dwarf, Space
When: Ask someone who knows
"Well, it' she all right?" Said Fesod, pointing to Tara who was throwing up in the corner"
"Morning Sickness. Anyway, why didn't you mention this before.."
"Well, you didn't ask. And it's not the most reliable of my inventions"
Tara had finished throwing up. "We ready to go then?" she asked
Fesod activated the matter transporter and they dematerialised and appeared...
In an air lock. A procession of people walked by in the direction of a shuttle bay, Captain Lister was there, he noticed the trapped trio... through the glass he said
"Have a nice trip" and pressed the decompression button. "What do we do? I don't want to be splattered over space!" Tara screeched to one of the Phil's
"We put on these space suits pretty quickly" said FeSod hastily stepping into a suit, Phil copied him and Tara only just squeezed into one. They had just put the helmets on and the outer door opened.
"That was close" came Phil's voice over the suits comm-unit
"Yea" FeSod answered
"So what now? do we float around here till we run out of oxygen?" Tara asked. Something that Tara had said earlier floated into Phil's mind
"Morning sickness?!" He said half suprised half something else
"Urm.. what?" queried Tara cautiously
"Earlier in the cell you said morning sickness..." Phil said, getting suspicious again
"Oh.. wishfull thinking I guess... heh heh" she laughed nervously.....
<Tag... anyone care to rescue us...?>

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