The hangover to end all hangovers

Who : Phil and those in the medi bay
Where : Medibay
When : The morning after the night before..
The tap dancing rinho , along with the 3000000000 dwarfs in steel toe caps had finished baning round Phil's head. He decided to open his eyes very slowley. Some blob in front of him was smiling. He tried to speak, but the "tongue goblin" and painted the inside of his mouth with what felt like , well, carpet.
"Where am I,," he moaned. Then threw up all over the person in front of him. for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG time. Then he stopped to cathc his breath. Then started again
"Feel better for that do we?" inquired a vomit covered blob?
<<Who's the blob?>>

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