Steev....@ de party

Party Room
Indeterminate time...
Steev sat at the bar with a drink in his hand. Despite the merry hell the
dirty pint had caused him, it had the benefit of rocketing up his alcohol
tolerance levels, so he was still almost completely sober. He had seen many
things, like Doom becoming Kevin, a really tall bloke enter the room, and
Lloyd punching an alien across the room. Steev thought about this last one
for a second. He recalled the good bits of his dirty pint and subsequent
adventures. That got him thinking...wondered if Lloyd would mind chatting
to him for a bit...I mean everyone who wasn't rolling drunk and breaking
stuff was either a moron or Smegg, and he'd largely given up trying to talk
to him much. Steev decided he may as well make the effort, and slipped off
the stool and wandered up to Lloyd.
"Hi," said Steev.
Lloyd turned to look at him. Recollection flashed across her features, then
decided to stay there for a bit.
"Hi," she replied
more silence
"How are you?"
"Would you like a dirty pint?" Steev ventured
"It might pass the time," she conceded
The two walked over to the bar, ordered 2 of the foul concoctions, said a
prayer, and gulped.
<OOC:- DON'T WORRY!!! Theses two aren't going to end up in bed, or in
locker, together, but I fancied giving Steev some more neuroses and a fould
headache for a bit, cos his life's been going rather well lately. I'll
stick something together soon, but if anyone want's to take the initiative
over the drunken exploits, that's just Jim Dandy :-)>
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