Quick! Where\'d I put my taser?

*Three way Joint post between Zodar, Joanne and Roskev*
Who: Chris Zodar and Joanne Peiades
Where: Flight Deck
When: Where the last post left off
"You wouldn't happen to have shuttle mechanical skills would you?"
"Yes, why?"
Zodar grabbed Jo by the arm and started running to the flight deck.
"There's no time. I need your help!"
At first Jo resisted, but after Zodar attempted to pull her shoulder out of its socket, she decided it would probably be less painful to follow the manic engineer as he sprinted through the hallways. And besides, mention of the Phoenix had definitely piqued her curiosity.
Entering the spares bay, Jo noticed the Phoenix in the middle of the room with a huge sign placed under it's front windscreen wipers, saying "DO NOT TOUCH THIS, UNDER PENALTY OF CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT!"
Sitting down on an old beaten up hovercycle, she raised an eyebrow upon seeing the warning note. "Is that really necessary?"
Zodar smiled. It seemed people had paid attention and the Phoenix wasn't missing anything it had arrived with.
"Let me just say that some of the Engineers I've seen around this place are scavengers."
"Scavengers?" Jo asked, standing up to inspect a large gash in the Phoenix's hull. Jo paused and looked back to where she had just been sitting.
The cycle was nowhere to be seen.
"See?" Zodar said as he checked the work area, "We aren't going to have enough room to repair it here, I'll have to request that it be moved to a maintenance bay. It'll have all the equipment we'll need."
"Sounds good to me" Said Jo, beginning a walking inspection of the damage done to the midget.
Zodar pulled out a communicator, "Roskev, are you there? I need clearance to use Bay 5 as a maintenance bay for the Phoenix."
The communicator channel opened with sounds of "Help! Help us!!!", then Roskev's voice rose over the screams
"Shut up! Get off! Don't make me beat you again... What was that, Zodar? No, I'm using the bay at the moment..."
Another voice from the background spoke up, "Yeah! To conduct her evil experiments..."
Roskev..."I said shut up!" A zapping noise filled the channel...
"Try Bay 3." Said Roskev, calmly.
Jo stopped her examination and turned back to Zodar, resting a hand on a section of scorched panelling. "Isn't the torturing of prisoners security's job?"
"Nah," said Zodar, "for all we know there could be a Space Corp Directive to support it. Anyway, she's my boss."
Looking sceptical, Jo shrugged and turned to face the ship again.
"This is going to take a lot of work, think you can enlist anyone else to help us?" she said, brushing a hand over the damaged paintwork, "I guess you'll need a pilot to move this thing to Bay 3."
"My thoughts exactly." Replied Chris, closing the communications channel.

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