Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Drink Sweet Drink...

>L'ontar turned his vision rather blurry and saw that
>Dean had just re entered waving his hands to attract
>the giant penguins next to Deans attention. Eventually
>the pilot walked over. L'ontar looked up woith a
>stupid grin and...
and said 'Wellcum bach!!!!!'
Dean, reeling from the fumes, recovered enough to say:
'<gasp> gee thanks <splutter>
"Bartender, fix me a very, very large drink,"
Now most of them off their heads shouting drunk, L'ontar and Dean were
having a competition, and as Dean had painted L'ontar in a vivid shade of
lime green, Dean couldn't help but laugh, and so lost the competition as he
spluttered in his beer...
who else wants to join us here in parrots? better hurry, I hear theres a
reception going on soon...
(sorry if you get this twice, but hotmails playing up again...)
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