A Party!? First Officer?! My Lucky Day!

> The Holohamster turned towards Allie, "Honey, Since I'm the acting
commanding officer until further notice, I'm making you my First
Officer. And as my first order for you, I want you to organize a
Halloween Dance as a morale booster in the BD's unused gym to take
place after Jay & Alota's wedding celebration festivities. Oh... And
you can use my charge account to purchase yourself whatever you'd
like to wear along with whatever Holly needs for me to have something
like your holo-belt so I can dial up a matching Tux or costume. Come
to think about it, with that, I could even use it to go as my human
>self for once. Would you like that?"
Allie grinned. "That sounds wonderful, my furry faced sweetheart. I
already know what I'm going as."
"Oooh, what?"
She winked. "It's a surprise. I also think that a prize for best
costume will boost morale even more. And maybe a live band. Drinks
can be provided by Owen. I'll see if La Regal de Mckenzie's will
provide the food, and if McKenzie's Department store will donate
The holohamster smiled at her enthusiasm. "All right, I'll leave
you to it."
Allie almost didn't hear him, she was so busy planning. "Oh,
there's so much to do."
<Okay everyone, as acting First Officer, heare's my first order; have
your costumes ready by Saturday. Owen, Mike McKenzie, whoever wants
to be incharge of McKenzie's department, and anyone who'd like to be
in the live band, email me personally>

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