OOC - A Small Request

Would you kindly all sell me your souls?
...hey, so I might've lied about the 'small' part! ;)
Okay, seriously, I do have a request to make. You see, I browse the
BD and Parrott's groups through the Yahoo website. What this means
is, that when somebody types in an email address within a post, for
example lucky@... , Yahoo in all its glory sees this as
some kind of security risk, and truncates it to lucky@co...
And therefore, I cannot read any email addresses posted here. Which
means, as a result, I can't put them up on the website.
So, my request is this: could all the following listed people please
email me their email addresses. Not through Yahoo's irritating
personal emailer (which does the same thing!), but by actually
emailing me on lucky 'at' coincidence.co.uk (I've written the 'at'
just in case you too are browsing from the site. ;))
The people I need are:
Rose Wood
Dean Thomas
Eve Rimmer
Jeri James
Stan Morgan
If you five could please mail me whenever possible. Thanks. :)
- Chris (JHXMT)
P.S. Or alternatively if anybody knows how to get around this stupid
and irritating trait of Yahoo's, I will be most attentive!

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