Dean continues (hopefully this fits in this time)

Dean having successfully taken a blue midget for a spin, landed, and thought
of the 3 things he could do.
a) he could wander up to security and see if he could get some kinhd
security guard to show him the antics in BM 3 (blue midget 3)
b) wander off to the pub,(as per usual)
c) go and study the flight manuals...
Dean chose option a, and fairly sprtined off towards security...
"Thanks for SOTM." - said dean, climbing out of his hole...
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
P.S. I think I got out of it actually... It was just a normal blue midget
which he mistook for the phoenix cos of his hangover. i think that minor
embarrasment was worth SOTM, don't you?
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