Major Harris 'The hair of the dog'

Blue Dwarf
Security officer
The morning after the big bash
around 9ish
Major Harris entered the security officer to find Jackson sitting behind the
desk finishing off some paperwork. What really amazed the Major was that
Jackson had finished off most of the paper during a couple of hours that would
have taken Harris days to finish.
When Jackson saw the Major he leapt up and went. "Major Harris sir."
"You didn't go drinking last night then." Harris commented and then he went on
to ask. "What's the damage?"
"There's two dozen security officers in the drunk tank and another half dozen
missing, Major Harris sir." Jackson reported. "There were more but they have
turned up or been discovered in the last few hours. Oh, Fingers has been
business again."
"What's Fingers been nicking now?" Harris asked.
"Captain Cannon's worry balls." Jackson answered.
"Great." Harris muttered. "Oh you way Jackson."
"Yes Major Harris sir." Jackson responded and left the office.
When Jackson was gone Jill appeared on the screen and went. "Pssss."
Harris looked at Jill and she nodded towards the cupboard, when Harris looked at
the cupboard Jill quickly disappeared.
Harris walked up to the cupboard, opened it and a greasy engineer fell out of
the cupboard and onto the floor.
"Morning Mackenzy." Harris said loudly.
Steev merely groaned and looked up at the Major.
Harris then grabbed the engineer by the collar and pulled him to his feet.
"Tell me Machenzy, what were you doing in that cupboard?" Harris enquired.
"ErrÂ… sleeping sir." Steev answered weakly.
"Don't call me sir!" Harris snapped. "I'm not a officer and I will not stand
to be addressed like one." Harris then dragged the hungover engineer to the
office door and then loudly told him. "Now get out of my office and get
yourself cleaned up!"
Harris pushed Steev out of the office and slammed the door behind him causing
Steev to groan as the sound echoed around his skull.
*****Commander Niples office*******
Harris didn't brother to knock and just entered the office of Commander Niples.
"Hungover?" Harris enquired.
The Commander merely nodded.
"Serves you right for drinking so much!" The Major told Niples loudly loving
every minute of his suffering.
"What do you want?" Niples asked quietly.
"Security report." Harris said as he slid the report onto the Commander's desk.
"Around thirty security officers out of action or missing and on top of that
there's the damage and brawls they caused while in their drunken states."
Niples groaned holding his head.
"Ah stop feeling sorry for yourself." Harris snapped causing the commander's
head to hurt even more.
"You are a uncaring bastard, Harris." Niples told the Major in a low voice.
"I'm security, its' not my place to care." Harris said.
Lloyd awoke with a stinking headache and her throat felt like someone had forced
a bag load of dog hair down it.
The ensign looked around and was glad to see that she was in her own bed in her
own quarters. She pulled herself out of bed and made her way over to the
"Arrrgggh!" Lloyd responded when she saw her reflection and then she went on to
comment. "What the hell!"
Her appearance was normal for a person that was heavily hungover but her hair it
had been dyed jet black! Well, at least no one will be calling her blondie for
the moment.

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