have to get this in before Becca

Who: Alota, random people
When: PAss
Where: I don't care
'Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow' came through Alota's mind as she started looking for a costume to wear, she had a vague idea of what she was going as*, she already had a blonde goldie locks type wig, white face paint, black eyeliner and blood red lipstick plus a brown neck scarf and a few roses. She now had a very clear idea of what she was going as. Finding an old tudorish dress she checked that it fit then started back to the Chrysler's quarters. She was going to have fun!
<<Ok Becca I am skanking my original creation back, it's mine mine mine mine mine mine! clear?>>
<<Sorry it's short I'm kinda trying to post before becca does>>

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