'Interfering with the PLAN'

Blue Dwarf
Near Niples quarters.
Say around 1130 hours
A courier was on his way to deliver a brown envelope
to Commander Niples quarters. He didn't know what
was in it but he didn't care, his job was to deliver it.
What the courier didn't know that there was the very
thin tripwire across the corridor and only found out
about it when he tripped over it and went flying. The
envelope went flying from his hand and was then
grabbed by an unseen person who then replaced it
with a copy of the envelope with nothing in it.
The courier got up, dusted himself down wishing the
scutters would spend more time cleaning the corridors
like they meant to and not wasting time watching
those westerns in the cinema. The courier grabbed
the envelope not knowing that a swap had taken
In the shadows an unseen figure grinned and quietly
sniggered to himself as to how easy that job was.
********* Phil FeBuggure office*********
Ten minutes later
A figure slipped past unnoticed by anyone straight
into FeBuggure's office. Grabbing a metal bin and
large, heavy book and then placed the bin over
Saddam before the computer knew what was
happening and then weighted it down with the book.
The figure went straight to the desk and began to
search and then found what they were after, a brown
envelop, and then something else caught their eye in
the bottom of the draw, plans for something. The
plans were quickly pocketed and then the figure
slipped out of the office and without being noticed
********* Some dark corridor*********
The figure slipped into the corridor quickly and
"About time, Fingers!"
"I got what you wanted what else do you want?!"
Fingers said.
Major Harris moved out of the shadows and took the
envelopes from Fingers. "Remember our deal, you
do this favour for me and you stay out of trouble!"
The thief Fingers had a very sneaky look about him,
the way he dressed, the way he moved, the way he
talked, he was just a very sneaky person in general. If
he hadn't of become a thief he may have went on to
become a second hand car salesman possibly with
the name 'Honest Dave'. But he had become a thief
and a very good one at that, he could break into a
location without being notice, take what he wanted
and then get out again still without beginning noticed
or leave anything behind that would put him at the
scene of the crime. But there was one thing, sooner
or later and no matter what he tried, he was always
The deal Harris made with Fingers was that the thief
would steal what the Major wanted to go missing
nothing else or it would be back in the cells again.
"Yea, yea." Fingers said. "Oh, I also found this."
The thief handed Harris the plans and the Major
commented. "Plans for a time machine?"
"Can I go now?" Fingers enquired.
"Just stay out of trouble!" Harris warned the thief.
When the thief had gone Jill appeared on a rather
dusty screen in the wall and asked. "Well?"
Harris removed photos from the envelopes and then
said. "You were right Jill. Pictures of Lloyd."
"I knew FeBuggure was jump to something." Jill
said. "But why would he be sending pictures of Lloyd
to Niples?"
"Interesting question. He could be trying to get into
Niples good books but I'm sure it's for another
reason." Harris commented and then he went on to
ask. "Jill, what would FeBuggure want with a time
"Don't know." Jill answered. "But I know White Wolf
gave the plans to the him."
'That digital ghost and that overgrown hamster are up
to something' Harris mused to himself. The Major
then told Jill. "Keep an eye on FeBuggure."
"Righty o Dave." Jill said just before she disappeared
from the screen

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