There's Something A Bit Fishy Going On Here Chortle Chortle Chortle

Medical Bay
Kevin rocked back on his heels as he was slapped across the face. He looked
about then fell over crashing painfully to the ground. "Kevin looked after
the strange man running of down the corridor "Ooh you had better watch it
old chap I excelled at fisticuffs at Eton" Kevin got up and proceeded to
follow Phil when he felt a blood curdling rage rising within him. Kevin
fell to the floor and screamed a throat tearing scream that reverberated
round round the medical bay before rushing into a nearby locker.
5 minutes later
The door opened and Doom Harbinger stepped forth in all his glory he uttered
an apocalyptic statement that were it written down would be in blood BLOOD
from a freshly slit artery "WHAT THE FUCK DID I HAVE TO DRINK LAST NIGHT"
Doom looked over and saw next to Efof a small gremlin had appeared as if by
magic holding a glowing book. The creature promptly opened the book and
flipped through the pages finally arriving at a page inscribed "FOR THOSE
WHO HAVE ASSAULTED DIVINE MESSENGERS" the gremlin produced a small golden
quill pen dipped it in an ink pot that was conveniently hovering nearby and
wrote Phil FeBuggure neatly under the heading. The gremlin then sighed and
tutted and vanished in a cloud of smoke.
Doom realised what had happened and walked with surprising calm over to the
wall where he wrenched a piece of piping from the wall and then he walked
over to the nearby medicine cabinet and pulled out some ointment. Doom knew
where this pipe was going to get shoved very soon and so would Phil if he
stopped running. Doom turned to leave and started off after Phil screaming
curses after the fleeing science officer. After careful thought he also
threw away the lotion he didn't need it this way it would be all the more
painful without lubrication.
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