
"No one sent me," Kayn responded from the Valkyrie. "I'm coming on my own, because you can't leave.""Why the smeg not?" Katrina demanded.
"Erm..." Kayn looked for a good excuse "There's a tiny spill in the promenade needing cleaning?"
"Funny... very funny..."
The midget shot off, the Valkyrie tailed it
"OK... ok...sorry... doesn't ANYONE have a sense of humour?"
"I'm not in that sort of mood Kayn. What are you here for?"
"I'd like to find out what's happening on the ship between you and the captain"
"Nothing""Theres a whole lot of nothing pushing you off the ship?"
"I don't want to talk about it!"
"Well you'd better. Because I'm not leaving until you do, and since you took the ship's helmsman, no one on board's currently qualified to pilot the ship"
"That planet looked awfully close yesterday..."
Katrina explained everything to Kayn, Kayn in turn told Katrina that the hologrammie captain was messed with
"I'm going to kill her..." Katrina muttered. The Midget turned arround and shot back to the ship.
"There... that's one thing off my mind..."
The Valkyrie started back towards the ship. From what Katrina had told him, Dark Katrina was a bitch and wasn't likely to leave the ship peacibly...
"Holly... is there any spare power at the moment on the ship?"
"Enough to do what?"
"Make another hologram of the captain - one that wasn't edited by the evil Katrina"
"Well as you know most of the power's taken up already by all the holograms on board"
"Well what happens if we turn off... say... the deep fat fryer in la Regal Mckenzies?"
"Well you'd have about half the power required"
"And then the Captain's on suite bathroom?"
"... That can't be right... That's more power than what goes through Blackpool Illuminations... over a ten year period"
"Do it... make another one... one that isn't broken"
"Can't... you'll need to fix the thingimmy"
"The watsit"
"The hologrammy thingamy whosit"
"The hologram simulation suite? Why?"
"It's kinda... on fire..."
"I think Dark Katrina got a Littttttle annoyed"
<Oooh... wonder what this little can marked Worms does>

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