Re: I\'m late I\'m late for a very important date!

----------------Exam room.
Dren arrives at the exam just in the nick of time. The officer
administering the test was just about to lock the door. Dren takes
his seat and prepares to take the exam.
"Call me a smeghead will you." Fingers commented from the air vent
above the exame room quietly as not to be heard.
Fingers didn't care that Walker only had stolen once, even to steal
once is enough to make you a theif. The tape of Harris didn't
brother him either, while the ship was being attacked by those
fishmen soliders he had search through the entire ship, so what if it
was five miles long but he had tracked down every copy plus he had
swiped the one Walker sleapt with at nights. Strange person this
Dren Walker.
Fingers made sure that he was to fail the exam. Not only had he
bribed the exmainers, cost him an arm and an leg to do it, but he
also had swaped the exam papers so that everyone would be sitting the
medical exam instead. So what if no one manage to complete the exam
correctly. Fingers had gone very bitter when Walker and Bell was
Fingers was anything but not thorough in his line of business.

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