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Military base
The internal engineering beacon wailed from the deepest recesses of the
military base, pinging off Steev's mechanical-minded mind. Like a moth is
drawn to lights, Steev was drawn to the thought of more, better,
He opened the
A spotlessly clean room. What kind of engineering bay was this? It should
be full of greasy parts and that familiar oil smell...what kind of
self-respecting engineer would have a TIDY bay??? How was he going to pinch
anything from an....."ahhhhhhh" thought Steev, "I get it."
It was clean, so he couldn't snag anything...which meant that there must be
something good in here...He scanned the room, looking for possible cupboards
and hideaways. Immediately he spotted a floor tile. He leapt, and
scrabbled at the tile with great fervour. Seconds later he had exposed the
Mars Bar underneath.
"Score" thought Steev.
He had just pocketed the bar, when he heard footsteps from outside. "Oh
buggery bollocks" Thought Steev. Spying a nearby cupboard he leapt in,
keeping one eye at the cracks in the door to see who would approach...
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