One side order of fried engineer

After many pulls and tugs, Dren was finally free. "Do you know,"
Dren said as he stood up, "that those security pricks were going to
leave me here to die. Something about mutiny. What have they got
against us anyway?"
"Probably penis envy. Let's go get a drink."
There was sudden electrical hiss and a bright flash as Dren was hit
with an energy bolt. The reaction to this, being soaking wet at the
time, was to do something that was similar to a break dance and then
dropped to the floor with smoke rising from him.
"Now, now." That same security officer said, holding a smoking
teaser rifle. Behind him were Tom, Dick and Harry. "Let's not be
like that."
"You bastard!" Dren muttered still smoking.
The security offier threw a genade over to the two and then it
released gas and within moments the two engineers went out like a
"Take them to the brig." The security ordered.
"Under what charge?" Tom asked.
"Mr. Walker has a file we can throw at him and Mr. Bell aided him."
The security said.
"Yes boss." Dick said.
The three security thugs then picked up the sleeping engineers and
dragged them off to the brig.
"And remember to lock the door this time!" The security yelled at
the security thugs.

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