I\'ve joined a cult?

Ensign Katy Roskev
As she sat their alternating between looking scary and
twirling in her chair she decided to look up the
security logs for the past few days.
It was a mess so she divided it up, three pages of
death threats from security to various people, one
page on how to make a bomb, and several pages of
things like "Mr. Walker to be put to death for
stealing Bog Rolls thereby preventing officers from
doing their duty and therefor mutiny."
"Put two guys in brig after we accidently discharged
energy weapons at them while they were standing in
pool of water. our bad."
She just shook her head, the entire security staff was
seriously unhinged. She snickered at that fact and the
fact she knew the codes to the weapons lockers.
"this is a cult" she thought to herself and decided
that security needed an evil deity to lead their cult
so Xena Warrior Physco was born.
(me bored it is a baaaaaaddd thing....)
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