Look Mom! I can play an Non Player Character too! (just joking...)

Who : Phil, Future Phil and the the others on the planet
When : 10 minutes after, just after Phil's Landing...
Where : Starbug
As the last person tumlbed into the 'Bug, Future Phil walked over to
normal Phil(who was studying his "rock" and tapped him on the
F-Phil knocked him out cold.
"What was that for ?" Asked Keto.
"One - for thinking his daughter was just "a young woman" " Said FP
beaming at Amber, who returned the smile "and another for ignoing
Tara all this time. I allways promised myself that If I got a chance
to meet the me of now I'd do what I just did."
With that he stood to one side as Jay sat down to pilot the Bug back
to BD
<end Snip>
"Now that I'm done with my repairs, I can go forward and pilot us
back to the Dwarf." answered Mr. WD-40, as he stood up and attempted
to walk forward, and unfortunately, proceeded to walk into the
bulkhead and hit his head with a loud 'CLANG', where upon he stumbled
and tried reorienting himself and walking forward again, this time
bumping into Keto.
"Will you watch where you going?" Yelled Keto angrily while picking
and rubbing his nearly squashed toe which WD-40 stepped on.
"I'm sorry sir, I seem to have made and error in my repairs." replied
Mr. WD-40.
"I'll say! You've got your feet facing the wrong way." Replied Keto
Wd-40 looked down, and exclaimed, "Oh dear! I seem to have put my
lower half on backwards. Give me a moment to correct this."
"Fine, I'll got fetch the chainsaw." quiped Keto, moving away.
"That will not be neccessary, Sir. I'll simply reprogram my walking
system to walk backwards when I need to proceed forwards." replied WD-
40, suddenly walking ackwardly towards the starbugs cockpit.
"Daddy, is he going to fly us home?" asked rufus to F-Phil.
"Um, I don't know." Said F-phil while glancing at Jay & Keto.
"Would you trust a android who can't put himself together right to
fly us home?" remarked Keto Suddenly strapping himself in as the
Starbug began to lift off.
"You've got a point", said Jay as he suddenly tried legging it
towards the cockpit.

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