The Escapee Hamster gets some new transportation!

Who: Allie, D2, And Dren
When: Just as the Vending machine went Communist.
Where: The spammed Drive Room.
At the drive room
As Dren and D2 waited for Allie to respond, Dren was suddenly hit in
back of the head by a can of spam travelling at an extremely high
"Long live the glorious communist revolution!" announced the drive
vending machine, as it dispensed a dozen propaganda phamplets. "And
death by
spam to all those who would dare oppose it!"
<End snip>
Allie suddenly switched to softlight to avoid getting hit by the
flying can of spam, and pointed at the neatly chewed hole in duct
tape on the toy and demands, "You boys better not tell me that you
let Wolfie get away and cheesed off the vending machinery at the same
D2 stared at the hamster sized hole in the duct tape, as Dren quickly
shoved his hand into his pocket to feel around, and he mouthed an "Uh
oh!" as he encountered an additional hole there too.
Meanwhile in the Promenade, the little four inch hamster was
scrambling accross the floor while trying to avoid getting stepped on
by the staggering and clumsy security bruisers who were being bounced
off the blast proof windows of Mckenzies store. And all the rogue
security offices attempts to smash it in using thier ram raiding
technique of knicker elastic launched bruisers were for naught, as
the little hamster entered the locked store by simply squeezing
underneath the crack between the doors and the floor.
Once inside the four inch hamster immediately proceeded to stores war
toy section while muttering to no one in particular, "Need something
with more mobility and firepower to mop up this invasion..."
The hamster pauses as he spots on one of store showcases a
beautifully recreated Spitfire Mark IX fighter plane, "That's it!" he
blurts and immediately heads for it.
Within minutes he's got it started up, and flying overhead in the
store, doing a few test barrel rolls, and mock dive bombing runs
towards some of the store displays.
As one of security goons finally pushes the door open at the front of
Mckenzies, the 4 inch hamster directs the Spitfire fighter out into
the open air of the promenade and soars safely above the high flying
bruisers being launched towards the other shop windows below.
The little plane continues on it's upward climb and with a thundering
roar from it's cannons, removes the grating of one of the upper air
vents, before it disappears into the Blue Dwarfs ventilation system.

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