Re: The collctive post of BD - AKA \"Blue Dwarf : The Novel \"

--- In JMC_Blue_Dwarf@y..., "Christopher Kentlea" <ckentlea@b...>
> This is a quite important anouncment , so please forgive me for
posting it here instead of to Parrots.
> For the new year I would like to start writing the posts of BD into
a novel format. I know that someone started this before, but It
doen't seem to have been finished(If it has, then shoot me now)
> Basically, If It meets very EVERYONES approval, I would like to use
your characters in the book. I will be going through the posts and
coverting them to a novel format.
> Stage one will be an intro to the game. That'll be the easy part....
> It could even be a joint effort if someone else wishes to join in.
> Thank you for your time.
> Chris Kentlea (AKA Phil Febuggure)
> PS - Before you say it, yes I know I am insane.
but yes.. you can use ure girlfriend and ure children Phil...

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