Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] There\'s Something A Bit Fishy Going On Here Chortle Chortle Chortle...Dies

Hmm so it had arrived discount this one I think the other one I just posted
is much better
>From: "David Campbell" <intercepting@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] There's Something A Bit Fishy Going On Here
>Chortle Chortle Chortle...Dies
>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:51:27 GMT
>Medical Bay
>Kevin rocked back on his heels as he was slapped across the face. He
>about then fell over crashing painfully to the ground. "Kevin looked after
>the strange man running of down the corridor "Ooh you had better watch it
>old chap I excelled at fisticuffs at Eton" Kevin got up and proceeded to
>follow Phil when he felt a blood curdling rage rising within him. Kevin
>fell to the floor and screamed a throat tearing scream that reverberated
>round round the medical bay before rushing into a nearby locker.
>5 minutes later
>The door opened and Doom Harbinger stepped forth in all his glory he
>an apocalyptic statement that were it written down would be in blood BLOOD
>from a freshly slit artery "WHAT THE FUCK DID I HAVE TO DRINK LAST NIGHT"
>Doom looked over and saw next to Efof a small gremlin had appeared as if by
>magic holding a glowing book. The creature promptly opened the book and
>flipped through the pages finally arriving at a page inscribed "FOR THOSE
>WHO HAVE ASSAULTED DIVINE MESSENGERS" the gremlin produced a small golden
>quill pen dipped it in an ink pot that was conveniently hovering nearby and
>wrote Phil FeBuggure neatly under the heading. The gremlin then sighed and
>tutted and vanished in a cloud of smoke.
>Doom realised what had happened and walked with surprising calm over to the
>wall where he wrenched a piece of piping from the wall and then he walked
>over to the nearby medicine cabinet and pulled out some ointment. Doom
>where this pipe was going to get shoved very soon and so would Phil if he
>stopped running. Doom turned to leave and started off after Phil screaming
>curses after the fleeing science officer. After careful thought he also
>threw away the lotion he didn't need it this way it would be all the more
>painful without lubrication.
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