
Who: Lenin, scutters and everyone else in Parrott's bar
Where: Parrott's bar/New Soviet Union Forward Command Center
When: The current timeline, if that means anything anymore, what with all the time travel going on nowadays
The scutters had acquired high powered hoses, and were spraying red paint onto the walls of the promenade (as well as various crewmembers caught between the hoses and the walls). Other scutters were already on the next deck, claiming the territory and putting up flags. Since most of the crew was preoccupied with the eminent destruction of the ship, they completely failed to notice the fact that they were now citizens of the New Soviet Union.
Lenin, while this was going on, was wondering why there were people in his command center, and why they were consuming alcohol. Eventually, he reached a decision.
"Now, listen up, you capitalistic scum!" he yelled, which was a great way to get people's attention, "You have a choice. Either give all of your belongings to the New Soviet Union and become a member of the Blue Dwarf Workers and Technicians Progressive Socialist Party; or be sent to the gulag for thirty years to work off your debt to society. Form an orderly line, and no shoving."
A dozen AK-47 wielding scutters, members of Lenin's elite guard, were on hand to make sure there was no pushing or shoving. Another dozen scutters were handing out propaganda pamphlets.

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