Vinny, revolution, and yellow paint....

"L'ontar, what happened to you?"
"Strung up by some goons" growled L'ontar, trying to wipe the green paint
off his body, (in vain).
"Here, throw this on..."
Dean chucked a security guards uniform over to him (it had been discarded in
return for a tuxedo from Vinny)
"Help!!" came a faint cry...
"Alright, wait a minute Armer, I'll free you... jeez, it's all me, me, me,
me, me!"
Scrabbling in the rubble, Dean located a hand, then an arm, and pulling on
this seemed to result, first in a cry of pain, then a shifting of rubble,
then Armer appearing.
Armer spluttered as he came to the surface of the rubble.
"Oh man, L'ontar, couldn't you find somewhere private to get changed? Thats
"What you on about, you painted that yellow once, Come on guys, we have an
evil enemy called Vinny Soprano and his goons to beat. Oh, and a Soviet
revolution to thwart." Said Dean, herocially,
"I dunno, should we bother, I mean, Parrotts looks awfully inviting."
"The revolution has taken over Parrotts." exasperated Dean <OOC: is that a
Dean "Raven" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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