One revolution, please, with a side order of communism

Who: Lenin, Zack, scutters everybody else in Parrotts
> "You pay-" Zack shut up, finally realizing what was going on. "Er,
> yes. Yes you do." He turned a smile toward the nearest customer. "And
> what would you like?"
"For you to join the Blue Dwarf Technicians and Workers Progressive
Socialist Party," Lenin said, "and then to assist me in overthrowing the
corrupt leaders on board this ship and establishing the New Soviet Union.
Failing that, you can be sent to the gulag for thirty years to work off your
debt to society. Here, have a propaganda phamplet."
As he waited for Zack's reply, Lenin's radio buzzed, and he grabbed it.
"Hello, this is comrade Lenin. What? The movie room? Some woman has
destroyed two squads? A hologram? Are you sure? Oh yes, of course, infra-red
scanning. Okay, here's the plan comrade. lure her into Parrotts. We've got
some holowhips here. After she's out of the picture, you can set up a new
movie screen in the promenade. Got it. Then good luck and long live the
revolution, comrade."
As Lenin replaced the radio, he commented to Zack, "Darndest thing I ever
heard. Some female hologram just burst through a bulkhead in the theatre and
started tearing scutteres apart. So, you interested in joining the

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