Searching for Keto, then gotta rescue some GELF

"Now what is cornering one of his ointments?" Lloyd enquired.
"I can tell you that!" came a voice from down the corridor, as two other
gigantic blokes came crawling up the passage.
"Oh bugger." said Lenin.
"Holy Cow!" said Lloyd.
"It's simple, we need an antidote to... damn, which one was it?"
"Erm.. Ointment 10 I think..." said Lenin
"Sounds about right." agreed Armer.
"Yeh, thats what's concerning us, ointment 10. Oh, and another person was
hit by it, but he disappeared in Parrotts, we thought that we'd better get
ourselves sorted out first."
"We did?" asked Armer
"Yes, we DID! We didn't just run away because we were scared." said Dean,
"Oh yeh, thats why we ran away."
"Anyway, someone got the antidote to Ointment 10? Are you sure it's Ointment
"ERm.. Pretty much" said Lenin,
"Well, must be it then, give us it then, please? Oh, and then could you help
us rescue this GELF? I'll talk to you..." he added, looking at Lenin
Dean "Bloody Big" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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