Calm down is that anyway to treat a ...

The strange grey suited GELF smiled at L'ontar who
stood there looking at him as though he was something
not very nice.
" Hello L'ontar. I bet youre wondering how you
got here arent you?" sazid the grey suited GELf in the
english accent that you hear on American TV programs.
L'ontar slowly raised the gun and groweled Who the
hell are you. The grey suited GELF swollowed nervously
and stammered I-I'm the voice in our head and my name
is L'ornt.(Check past posts to find out about the
voice.) L'ontar just shrugged slowly lowered the gun
and asked his next question how did he get there.
"Well" began L'ornt " I think its to do with the black
hole the Dwarf is nearing "
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